Friday, April 10, 2009

They killed my King

"While we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Why, one will hardly die for a righteous man--though perhaps for a good man one will dare even to die. But God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." - Romans 5:6-8

There was a Man who walked this earth preaching about loving one another and praying for your enemies. He asked those around Him to follow His example and to live their lives in the service of others.

One night He even washed the feet of His followers so that they would learn that leading people is through serving them. Later that night, He was in a garden praying when one of His friends gave Him a kiss on a cheek, a sign to those who were out to arrest Him.

They arrested this Man because they feared the truth which He was speaking. They were comfortable with their power, riches and fame. They took this Man to higher authorities to put Him on trial for his death. This Man was beaten brutally and mocked all the while.

The King of kings was given a crown, but it was made of thorns. He was given wine but it was sour. He was given a purple cloth to be wrapped around his bloodied and cut up body and the praises He recieved were followed with spit, laughter and blows to the body.

This Man was then given a cross and forced to carry it up a hill, all the while being mocked, spit on and whipped. He was then nailed to the cross and raised before all as a warning to anyone who might try to live by His example. If you do what He says and follow His ways, you too will be nailed to a cross.

While dying on the cross, this Man spent energy to speak, when his body was barely able and the words he spoke were of forgiveness for those who put him there.

This Man was completely innocent and He endured a death no condemned man should. Jesus Christ died for you and me. Who am I to deserve the suffering which He endured? How can I ever be worthy of the pain which His mother went through, watching her Son stumble to His death? I love this Man, but when faced with death am I strong enough to say He is my friend, or must He continue to wake me up each morning with the cocks crow to remind me that I am only alive because of Him? How do I find the courage to complain about an aching body from work or
simple criticism when You were strong enough to remain silent through Your punishment?

Grant me mercy, oh Lord, that I may live a life worthy of Your death. Through Your suffering make me strong so that I may carry Your cross with You.

Today You died Lord. I am forever indebted to service.

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