Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sowing Love

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God...just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, so that they may be saved. Be imitators of me (St. Paul), as I am of Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 10:31,33 - 11:1

Earlier this week I recieved the most uplifiting and encouraging email I have recieved in a long time. This is what it said:

Hey Jordan!

I follow your blog. I think it's incredible...I don't know if you actually know this, but I was a bit lost from the Lord when I came down here to AmeriCorps. Lots of reasons for this-- but I REALLY struggled with it. You talked to me ONCE about it, high up on the scaffolding on that house on edgewater and that night I went home and started reading my Bible again. It has been a bumpy road , but I feel Jesus in my heart again, and I thank YOU for it. I know God puts people in our lives for reasons, and that seems to be the reason you were put in mine. Now, I have a great Church, I volunteer there in Youth Group and in Sunday school and I am completely fulfilled spreading the word and serving God. Thanks Jordan! Hope this wasn't too corny!

We always hear people say it in sunday school, in church sermons, bible study and Paul says it in the passage above; always be a living example of Christ because we never know who we will touch throughout our day.

What does it mean to be a living example of Christ? Paul tells Titus in his letter, "Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to be refactory, nor to pilfer, but to show entire and true fidelity, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior." - Titus 2:9-10

That is probably one of the hardest commands, especially for those which may have a boss (master) which they don't particularly get along with or agree with. Because we are Christians, we are called to at all times praise Jesus and live according to his example. When Jesus was whipped, tortured and crucified, he did not curse those who were "master" over him. Instead he silently endured the pain, knowing that his one and only Master up above would take care of him in the end. We are in the same way called to be subject to our boss', putting forth our best effort in the work that we do despite the differences we may have with our boss. Thus, we set the best example we can of Jesus Christ. This means not gossiping about our boss with co-workers or cursing his/her name while they are gone.

On the other hand, if we are the boss, we are told, "Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven." - Colossians 4:1 We all are subject to God our Father in heaven, so just like we want God to treat us with love, respect and forgiveness, we are to treat those under us with love, respect and forgiveness. How are we to curse, punish and/or treat those under us unfairly and at the end of the day go to God and ask him to have mercy on us? Jesus Christ was the perfect example of a leader when he washed the feet of his disciples. (John 13:5) In order to lead people in this world, we must do it by example through serving the needs of the very people we lead.

We interact with people every day. Our familys, our co-workers, people at the store, and people we pass by on the street. With every person we have a chance to show the love of Jesus Christ. Every time we smile at someone we spread love into that small fragment of their day. Jesus brings tremendous joy and courage into my life. If the only thing I did in this world was share/give that joy and courage to everyone I meet, then my soul would be satisfied.

Once we become believers in Christ we are filled with fruits of the Holy Spirit. These fruits are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfullness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. (Galatians 5:22-24) Paul, after sharing with us the fruits of the spirit, goes on to tell us that since we are filled with the Holy Spirit and must cultivate those fruits, we must also use those fruits having "no self conceit, no provoking of one another, and no envy of one another." (Galatians 5:26)

Now, living out the way which Christ would want us to is tremendously hard to do. Like the email above states, it will be a "bumpy road", but we need to be constantly reading the bible, attending church services and be in fellowship with other believers so that we may grow the fruits within us and gain better knowledge of the scripture and understanding of what Jesus is asking us to do. If we stay constant in our long journey of spiritual growth we will live more joy filled and fruitfull lives which will benefit not only ourselves, but the people around us. Like the mustard seed is such a small seed(photo at top), but the mustard plant grows wild and strong; our lives can plant small deeds of kindness into the lives of others and some day we will actually bring Gods Kingdom here on Earth and be prepared for the day in which Jesus Christ will come again.

Jessie and I say the prayer that is to the right of this page every day. We adapted the prayer from St. Francis of Assissi and customized it to our daily lives and needs. We encourage everyone to share the prayer with us and together we will grow.

Peace and Love,

Jordan and Jess

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Lynnie sup? so whats the word? He has risen indeed. Any word on when you might be headed to the HUB? Whats the name of the guy you are hanging around with again? I heard he was from the LEFT coast.
    So did you have to shave your head after the bite? Ok got to run take care
    I love you young lady
