Monday, March 30, 2009

Made for a Woman

At that time Deborah, a prophetess, wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel. She used to sit under the palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim; and the Israelites came up to her for judgment. She sent and summoned Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali, and said to him, ‘The LORD, the God of Israel, commands you, “Go, take position at Mount Tabor, bringing ten thousand from the tribe of Naphtali and the tribe of Zebulun. I will draw out Sisera, the general of Jabin’s army, to meet you by the Wadi Kishon with his chariots and his troops; and I will give him into your hand.” ’ Barak said to her, ‘If you will go with me, I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.’ And she said, ‘I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory, for the LORD will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.’ Judges 4:4-9

Anyone who knows me knows I am not a feminist; I like having help from a man (especially a tall one who can reach things for me). But the other day my work gloves started to give out and the equality-seeking woman in me started to show. Good construction gloves are hard to find to begin with and on top of that I have very small hands (almost kid size). But Lowes and Home Depot seem to think the only work women do is in the garden. Women have been hard-core since the Old Testament; the above is an excerpt from Judges where the prophetess and warrior Deborah is rallying a general for war against Israel’s suppressor, King Jabin of Canaan. So the general gathered his troops and Deborah said to him, “Up! For this is the day on which the Lord has given Sisera into your hand. The Lord is indeed going out before you.”(v.14). The war was a great success, but the commander, Sisera, fled the battle. He ran to a nearby tent and asked the woman inside to hide him. She was of neutral tribe, but knew what was going on; she offered him some milk and hid him under a rug. When he fell asleep she grabbed a mallet and drove a tent peg through the side of his head. Now remember I am as peace-loving as the next tree-hugger but I think even a Tibetan monk could admit that is pretty bold (and I doubt she had gloves on). Women are extreme.

And don’t forget Mary the mother of Jesus, how devoted was she? ‘Yeah God, I’ll have your baby, no big deal.’ The bible just barely touches on what she must have gone through; having to ride a donkey to Bethlehem, running to Egypt so they didn’t kill her son, losing Him in the temple. Then she saw him grow into a man, lead the disciples, preach to large crowds, heal the sick and then lost Him to the cross. She watched her own son die. Women are strong.

At Wonderful Wednesday Worship two women went forward, one to give a testimony and another because she wanted a soul change. The first just wanted to thank the church for everything they had done for her, she was a young mother with two children, both out of wedlock, who was raised in the church, left for a few years and returned a short time ago. She cried as she thanked everyone for what they had done for her and acknowledged how lucky she is to be in the Ebenezer church family. The other woman had a similar story but she was not from this church. She had gone through a nasty divorce and lost her mother, moved to Hattiesburg for a job and just recently got to her feet. It was then she realized she was still missing something, she has provided for all the physical needs of her and her children but their spirits where still lacking. She went forward for prayer and to renew her commitment to the Lord. Pastor always calls the deacons to come forward and lay hands on whoever needs prayer, but this time he called all the women who could relate with this woman to encircle her. She was still dealing with some of the dark areas in her life, such as what she had to do to keep her children fed; but as she was surrounded by women saying, “I’ve been there, don’t give up”, “Give it to God”, and “We love you” her spirit was lifted and her heart filled. Women are powerful.

I am lucky to be surrounded by great women in my life, not only do I have my own mother, aunts and grandmothers, but now I have Jordan’s mother, aunts and grandmothers. Here in Hattiesburg I live with a very wonderful woman (the superintendent of Hattiesburg Public Schools) and have had the chance to meet many more in Sunday school at Ebenezer and at St. Thomas Catholic Church. And I’ll not forget Mother Earth who gives us everything we have. Women are wonderful.

Just a little tribute to women. The pictures are from a bike ride to church and visiting the goat woman in Virginia (the goat is only two days old, and was trying to lick my face. Note Jordan in the background creeping on another goat).

The PSA for today is for something I could find in my size. These are Vibram Five Finger Barefoot shoes. Originally designed for rock climbing, but then redesigned for everything. They feel like you are barefoot and I can’t wait to dance around at Blissfest in them. Being barefoot is a way of life, a peaceful, joyful way of life and our world today has tried to make that dangerous. So we just wanted to thank Vibram for making a shoe that lets us experience the euphoric state of barefootness and safety too.

Peace and Love,
Jess and Jordan


  1. I loooved this post, Jess. I have to move everything for my store today with just another woman and I feel so totally ready to lift some heavy stuff and tear it up.

    Your blog is so great! I love it so much!

  2. I just bought a pair the other day! LOVE IT! though i fear they may have shrunken after i wore them in the pool :(
