Monday, February 2, 2009

Sacrifice, Save, Serve

“One day Elisha was passing through Shunem, where a wealthy woman lived, who urged him to have a meal. So whenever he passed that way, he would stop there for a meal. She said to her husband, ‘Look, I am sure that this man who regularly passes our way is a holy man of God. Let us make a small roof chamber with walls, and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, so that he can stay there whenever he comes to us.’ ”
2 Kings 4:8-10

Jordan and I have arrived in Hattiesburg (no more sleeping on bathroom floors – for awhile – so everyone can stop worrying, hehe). We made our destination in seven days. Ray put us right to work on Saturday morning working on a house he hopes to finish. We are staying with him and his wife Anne, it makes work a lot easier knowing I have a nice feather top mattress to sleep on each night, no more ‘roughing it’ for awhile.

Sunday I had my first experience at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church. I went to women’s Sunday school with Anne, where they were discussing the above passage. The reading was perfect, just as Elisha was grateful to the woman, we are so thankful to Ray and Anne for opening their home to us. Also the story came as confirmation for Ray that he was doing the right thing. The woman was not seeking anything in return but later in the chapter she is rewarded with a son, in the same way we hope we can reward Ray by helping him catch up in the ministry he has, the R3SM non-profit.

After Sunday school I enjoyed the morning worship and Pastor Wilson’s message: Sacrifice, Save, Serve- Freedom ain’t free, but I shall be. He touched on how we can have financial freedom and true freedom through sacrificing what we really do not need, saving some every week, and serving others. Jordan and I took his message as confirmation that we are doing the right thing. We sacrificed our things to get our possessions down to one backpack full, then saved everything we could in AmeriCorps (which was not much), and now we are ready to serve without worry. A really great feeling of true freedom, believe me.

After church we helped Anne prepare the house for an all women’s super bowl party. About 30 women showed up and just had a ball eating delicious food, fellowshipping, yelling at the TV and each other. It was an even split between Cardinals and Steelers fans which made for a good laugh at every touchdown.

Today, unfortunately, we have a rain delay so we will be cleaning up from the party and resting up for a week of work. We will keep everyone posted.

Finally we would like to make another public service announcement. We would like to thank all the churches who knowingly and unknowingly provided a place for us to camp out each night. It was outside their buildings (or in their bathrooms like the picture above) that we felt safe, warm and protected by God. Thank you for all the prayers of a safe arrival, our God is an Awesome God.

Peace and Love,
Jess and Jordan

1 comment:

  1. what a good reminder to "sacrifice, save, serve" - i'm glad you are in hattiesburg, working with a group of people you enjoy!
